‘Your mission,’ said Dad, ‘is to take full command of this operation and to achieve victory using only cunning, daring, ruthlessness and cotton buds.’
I hope you enjoy these stories. I had a lot of fun writing the new characters. I also had a great time going on new adventures with some of my old friends.
In case you haven’t met those old friends before, here’s where they first appeared in my previous books.
Ro and her dad from ‘101 Text Messages You Must Read Before You Die’ can be found looking out for each other and sometimes exasperating each other in Blabber Mouth, Sticky Beak and Gift Of The Gab.
In Second Childhood, Mark from ‘Ashes To Ashes’ gets into even more strife than he does in this book.
If you think Jake’s mission is impossible in ‘Mission Impossible’, wait till you see what he’s faced with in Adults Only.
Ginger from ‘Good Dog’ has some other interesting animal friends in Teacher’s Pet. So does Ned from ‘My Very First Go At Bomb Disposal’.

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‘Give Peas A Chance’ isn’t Ben’s only attempt to save the world. He’s at it again in The Other Facts Of Life.
In Misery Guts, Worry Warts and Puppy Fat, Tracy from ‘Think Big’ is just as outspoken and gutsy, even though her friend Keith sometimes wishes she wasn’t.
Kevin from ‘Paparazzi’ fails to be cool once again in Doubting Thomas.
If you’d like to spend more time in the microbiological world of ‘Germ Meets Worm’, you can join Wilton and Algy on an epic journey in Worm Story, and share a very surprising visit next door with Aristotle and Blob in Aristotle’s Nostril.
And finally, although Dougie’s dad doesn’t appear much in ‘Greenhouse Gas’, you can get to know him as a kid in Belly Flop, and see that Dougie and Grandpa aren’t the only ones in that family who’ll try to change the weather to solve a problem.
Happy reading, and thanks for sharing my stories.
Give Peas A Chance is available in bookshops and libraries in Australia, New Zealand, the UK, and online: